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Total Balance Chiropractic Newcastle and Hunter Region

Welcome to the new Total Balance Chiropractic blog page! At Total Balance we’re committed to keeping you up to date with the latest information in health and wellbeing, always with a special chiropractic flavour.

Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be posting articles on topics from early childhood to positive ageing, from staying healthy in the workplace to staying fit on the playing field, dealing with the aches and pains you already have to preventing the ones you don’t, and any other topics we come across that we think might help you and your family live a healthier, more vital life!

For a start, let’s remind ourselves of just how amazing our body is with some of these mind-blowing facts:

  • Our body starts off as 2 half cells forming into one. This cell divides and divides and at birth the number of cells grows to 26,000,000,000 (26 billion). In adulthood it reaches a whopping 50,000,000,000,000 (50 trillion)!
  • Over your life…
    • You will breathe some 675,000,000 times
    • Your heart will beat around 3,000,000,000 times, pumping about 240,000,000 litres of blood
    • You will spend about 5 years with your eyes shut through blinking
    • You will shed approximately 700g of dead skin cells
  • Your body has on average 206 bones, 52 of which are in your feet
  • Your nervous system contains about 100,000,000,000 nerve cells, but given the amazing number of connections that can form between individual cells, the total number of connections between cells has been estimated to be as high as 100,000,000,000,000!

Your body is an incredible self-healing, self-regulating organism. It knows exactly what to do and when to do it, in order to keep you healthy and vital. By continuing to make the best lifestyle choices, you give your body the best chance of functioning at its best!

So eat well, move lots, stay positive, and remember to look after your posture and alignment. To find out how ABC™ can help you regain and maintain better posture and function CLICK HERE. To book an appointment CLICK HERE.

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