When the evidence began to mount a few years ago that sitting was indeed the new smoking, the popularity of sit/stand desks and work stations began to rise. Unfortunately at the time, the costs of such a desk were well and truly into the thousands of dollars, putting them out of the reach of all but the most well-heeled desk jockeys and employers.
However as interest has grown, so have the options available and their affordability. So for this week’s blog, we’ve compiled a list (in no particular order) of 5 sit/stand workstations (SSWs) that come in under the $500AU mark.
1.Varidesk Pro-30, $475
Varidesk were one of the early entrants into the “desk-topper” style of SSWs. They are designed to slide out of the box, onto your existing traditional desk or table, and, hey presto, SSW! Their sturdy construction and easy to adjust mechanism continue to make them a popular option in the market (James has one himself!)
The Pro 30 is their entry level PC workstation, and comes in below the magic $500 mark, however they have laptop versions available for less, and versions with separate keyboard shelves and space for 2 monitors, for more. Click HERE to see the full range.
2.Ikea Skarsta Range, $289-299
For those looking for a “whole desk” solution, Ikea have introduced the Skarsta range of desks. Built with typical Ikea simplicity and sturdiness, they feature a simple hand crank mechanism to raise and lower the desk height. Available in 2 table top sizes (120x70cm and 160x80cm), they provide a functional yet affordable option for those not requiring the bells and whistles of electric motor raising mechanisms. You can find more details HERE.
3.Wynston Sit Stand Desk, $219
For a more budget friendly “desk-top” SSW, you might consider the Winston Sit Stand Desk. Its construction isn’t quite as sturdy as the Varidesk range, and its locking mechanism makes it a little fiddlier to adjust its height. However it comes with a retractable keyboard shelf as standard, and comes in at less than half the price of its Varidesk competitors. A great option for students or the home office. Available from Officeworks.
4.Portable Folding Sit Stand Desk, $69
For those looking for a simple solution to use with their laptop, comes the Portable Folding Sit Stand Desk. It’s extremely lightweight aluminium construction makes it perfect for those who travel, allowing you to turn any desk or table into a SSW in minutes. The click button adjusting mechanism is the fiddliest we’ve come across, but once the height is set, it easily supports even the heaviest of laptops. And hey, at $69, who’s complaining? Also available from Officeworks.
5.Alphabetter by Safeco, $430 + delivery
If sitting is indeed the new smoking, what could be more important than making sure our children sit as little as possible? For that reason, we’ve included the Alphabetter by Safeco. Designed for schoolkids from primary to secondary age, it is an adjustable height work bench with storage for books and bags, and a “fidget bar” for kids to swing their feet on to help them get their movement fix! It’s available from the US via Overstock.com, and although the hefty delivery fee from the States pushes the total cost above our $500 threshold, we figured our kids were worth it!
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